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Welcome to the MQ Referral Partner Program

Welcome aboard and congratulations on joining the MQ Referral Partner Program!

This is your opportunity to gain significant income by simply introducing MerchantQuote’s services to business owners and organizations you currently know or meet. With over 30 million merchants in the United States alone, you truly have an unlimited market!

The Resource Center is your source for information about the MQ Referral Partner Program and how to submit referrals. You will also find suggestions and resources to make it easy for you to introduce MerchantQuote.

I would like to have a welcome call with you as a new Referral Partner. Follow the First Steps tab to familiarize yourself with the MQ Referral Partner Program and processes. Once you have completed the First Steps, email me at to set up the call so I can answer any of your questions as well as talk about your top potential prospects.

The MQ Referral Partner program has been set up on the basis of relationships and making connections. MerchantQuote carefully selects who we choose to be part of our Referral Partner Program. We take a quality over quantity approach, focusing on quality of character and professionalism. We know you will be a great addition to our team!

I look forward to speaking with you on our call.

Gerard Smith

Welcome to The MerchantQuote
Resource Center

This is where registered partners can access a comprehensive repository of helpful resources for MerchantQuote.

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